Product: TI-84 Plus Calculator Battery Compartment Replacement Cover
Client Objective: Re-engineer existing calculator battery-cover for their resale market and improve the strength and reliability of the cover snap detail due to the field breakage issues with original covers. Cover to fit and function in existing model calculators. No drawings or specifications existed.
Solution: Our first step was to laser measure both battery covers and the openings in the calculators to create our geometrical dimensions and tolerance stack ups for the best fit between cover and opening. The laser measurements provided the basis to create our 3D model geometry. The snap detail was modified to improve performance and strength but to maintain the same snap-in and removal force.
Result: Built a two (2) cavity production mold through our Asian tooling source whom also does the molding of the covers for the client. The finish of the top surface of cover was matched exactly to the finish on calculators. Covers are molded in both a Black and Transparent polycarbonate material.
Outcome: Product commercialized